
Origami Flower - Lily (100th video!)

Many of these origami compositions are displayed in art galleries. There's enough interest in this activity that there are origami competitions held. Individuals who are really skilled and serious about origami work quite hard to design and create complex objects to be showcased and judged at competitions. 

This activity requires the individual to possess or work on certain skills. In order to take on any origami project you must be patient. These projects take time and you need to be focused and capable of concentrating. This step-by-step or sequencing process needs to be followed to the letter. If you aren't someone who likes to follow instructions, origami is definitely not for you. 

Mathematicians throughout time have developed ways to use geometry to define origami; they have designed highly sophisticated models using fundamental theorems. They have studied and found amazing similarities between tessellations and origami (tessellations is the name for a figure comprised of a shape that is repeated over and over again with no gaps or overlap when fitted to a flat surface). 

First practiced by the Chinese and Japanese, the art of paper folding was and continues to be popular in many cultures. When it was originally started, origami instructions were passed on verbally. Over the years the details and steps required for origami projects have been written down and/or relayed through diagrams. 

The Cupboard - using a square piece of paper make the book fold then open the paper and take each outside edge and fold it to the center line. By bringing each edge over to the next line you will end up making even more equal vertical strips. The Fan - with either a square or rectangular piece of paper fold a Cupboard. 

The publication they were in was called the Senbazuru Orikata (Thousand Crane Folding). It was followed nearly 50 years later with an encyclopedia that contained a full collection of these figures. Modern origami has progressed to what it is today in great part due to a man named Yoshizawa Akira who in the early 1950's published books containing all new figures.