
Origami - How to fold a paper Bow/Ribbon

Fold up the figure and you have made an eight fold fan with alternating mountain and valley folds, also called an accordion fold. The Lattice - make a Cupboard from a square piece of paper. Open the Cupboard and repeat the procedure folding in a horizontal direction. Open the paper and you have the Lattice. 

Because the Internet provides worldwide access to data, you may be able to learn about origami from some of the greatest origami artists. You could also access information regarding the history of origami and its cultural values in various parts of the world including Japan and China. It's always exciting to learn new ideas. 

When it was originally started, origami instructions were passed on verbally. Over the years the details and steps required for origami projects have been written down and/or relayed through diagrams. Folding paper may not seem to be very challenging but as the projects advance, origami can in fact be quire complicated and complex. 

Many articles that are written about origami have references provided that will lead to even more details about the activity. Magazines are a great source or information about origami. There are many craft magazine publications, some printed on a weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc. basis. Browsing these various magazines a person will likely find beneficial origami details. 

However interesting it may be for some people doesn't mean origami is for you. This activity requires the individual to possess or work on certain skills. In order to take on any origami project you must be patient. These projects take time and you need to be focused and capable of concentrating. This step-by-step or sequencing process needs to be followed to the letter. 

In the 50's and 60's a group comprised of creators and folders established and international origami group to promote the popularity of origami. This group went on to form local as well as national organizations and also published the models of American, Japanese and European designers. Artistic Origami To the mathematicians and modern origamists origami is a puzzle.